Special Thanks to our Sponsors:
5004 N Linder Rd, Meridian, ID 83646
1003 N. Orchard St. Boise, ID 83706
Phone: (208)376-3113
19800 MacArthur Blvd. Suite 680
Irvine, CA 92612
Phone: (949)868-2838
I383 North Linder Avenue
Kuna ID 83634
12400 W. Overland Road, Suite 120
Boise, ID 83709
(208) 855-2998
Mobile Catering in Idaho
(208) 550-2994
At Generations Arts and Educations, inc., we believe that connecting generations within our communities promotes individual and family well being. We strive to offer educational and artistic opportunities to provide this connection. Indeed, we feel that providing artistic and educational outreach to individuals helps them to find and build their own communities.
Generations Arts and Education, inc. is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit, as well as a registered non-profit in the state of Idaho.
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Generations Arts and Education is a 501(c)3 corporation with current tax status as a Public Charity.
Your contribution is deductible under Section 170(b)(1)(A) of the
Federal Code.
100% of your donation goes to support Generations Arts
and Education Projects.
We accept contributions of any amount.
4211 Sunny Ridge Rd
Nampa, ID 83686
(208) 466-3633