Because We All Need to Recharge....
As a Mom, you are always on call. You pick up after others and care for their needs. Let us pamper you at our Mother’s Retreat. Refresh your spirit and recharge for a few days with us. Fill your mind with great ideas and your soul with great conversation. We’ll take care of everything for a few days so that your cup is full when you return to your family.
April 20th - April 22nd 2023
Thursday April 2oth
Friday April 21st
Saturday April 22nd
After we arrive at the cabin, we will enjoy a wonderful dinner together. A book discussion about Elizabeth Gaskell's Wives and Daughters is next! We will share some of our favorite things and Refresh!
Wake up to a fantastic breakfast and be energized for our day's adventure. After a nutritious lunch, enjoy a parenting workshop by Melissa Wolfe. Dinner will then be served, followed by an evening of games together.
Enjoy a relaxing morning and lunch together before heading home rejuvenated!
Our book this year is Wives and Daughters by Elizabeth Gaskell

Melissa Wolfe has given workshops and talks on marriage and relationships since 2000. Melissa earned her Masters Degree in Marriage and Family Counseling in 2005. She has created her own marriage and parenting workshops, and loves helping others create healthier, vibrant relationships.

Class taught by
Melissa Wolfe

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Generations Arts and Education is a 501(c)3 corporation with current tax status
as a Public Charity.
Your contribution is deductible under Section 170(b)(1)(A) of the Federal Code.
100% of your contribution goes to support
Generations Arts and Education Projects.
We accept contributions of any amount.